Femme fatale, Exotic dancer, Courtesan, Spy; Mata Hari has been variously labeled all of these. There is some truth to all of them, left out are: Mother; Abused Wife; and Scapegoat

Those who remain, we remember for the rest of our lives. Some for the large effect they had on the persons we became. Some others because of some small incident that stayed in our head thereafter, some act of courage, wisdom, or generosity.

The truck was loaded, the gas tank full, and the morning sun breaking. We left out of Clyde Back & Sons, headed for the big highway that ran from Des Moines to the Mississippi, then on to southern Indiana.

Antwerp, Netherlands, 1560 – Ludovico Guicciardini sets pen to paper and reflects on the rapid growth of his city in recent years. He finds much to be pleased with. The city is richer and more populous than ever before. Traders of all sorts are flocking to the expanding market at Antwerp.

Remember the toy of pegs & holes? The game was to tap round pegs; square pegs; and triangular pegs into their proper holes? It taught us all, early on, to think of disparate things as components of categories.